Section 504 Information
Section 504 Forms
Section 504 Information
What is Section 504?
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. Unlike the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that governs special education, Section 504 is not an education, service, or funding statute. The purpose of Section 504 is to ensure that individuals with disabilities are given the same opportunity to participate in programs and activities as are their nondisabled peers.
It is the responsibility of Olivet Community School District to identify and serve students who, within the intent of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, are considered disabled and who, because of disability, need special services/accommodations within the general education program.
Who is Eligible Under Section 504?
Students may qualify for protection under Section 504 if they have a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more of life’s major activities. A label, disability, or diagnosis, alone, does not make a student eligible under Section 504. The disability must substantially limit the student’s performance as compared to the performance of the average student in the general population.
What is Meant by "Substantially Limits"?
Under judicial interpretation, a major life activity is substantially limited when a person is "unable to perform a major life activity that the average person in the general population can perform."
In referencing the "general population", the intent of the law was to compare each person’s performance against the general population in the community and the nation – not the population at a particular school.
What is a Major Life Activity?
Major life activities refer to functions such as, but not limited to, caring for oneself, eating, sleeping, reading, walking, seeing, hearing, bending, standing, speaking, breathing, thinking, concentrating, communicating, and performing manual tasks. Major life activities also include major bodily functions of the immune system, bladder, bowel, brain, respiratory, circulatory, and endocrine functions, as well as, normal cell development.
What do Section 504 Accommodations Look Like?
Section 504 planning most commonly focuses on identifying and implementing specific accommodations. Accommodations may be as simple as changes in daily schedule or as complex as using assistive technologies that address specific disabilities. For example, FM amplifiers may be needed to help a student with a hearing impairment understand class lectures, magnification devices may be needed to help a student ready, and any number of devices may be needed to aid student mobility.
Examples of Common Accommodations: • Shortened assignment(s) • Read tests aloud • Provide an extra set of textbooks for home • Seat the student away from computer/hallway noise • Provide study guides prior to introducing new materials • Have the student learn to use a planner • Allow the student to use a computer/keyboard for written assignments in class
Accommodations need to take into account both the functional capabilities of the individual and the alternative methods of performing tasks or activities to allow the student to demonstrate his or her learning. Accommodations are individualized, and accommodations are intended to provide a student with a disability an equal opportunity to benefit from the educational programs of the school.
Who to Talk to?
Each building principal is the 504 Lead Contact who can help provide more information and assist with the referral and evaluation process. Olivet Community Schools also has a District 504 Coordinator who can assist, and support parent and student needs.
What are my rights as a parent under Section 504?
Information about parents rights can be found in the Parents Rights and Procedural Safeguards
Frequently Asked Questions
For More Frequently Asked Questions Acces the OCS FAQ Document
504 Child Find Notice
Pursuant to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the District has a duty to identify, refer, evaluate and if eligible, provide a free, appropriate public education to disabled students. For additional information about the rights of parents of eligible children, or for answers to any questions you might have about identification, evaluation and placement into Section 504 programs, please contact the your building Lead Contact or District 504 Coordinator.
Troy Waffle
Olivet Community Schools
255 First Street
Olivet Michigan, 49076
(269) 749 – 9129
Fern Persons Elementary
Jennifer Longden
Building 504 Lead Contact
4425 Butterfield Rd
Olivet Michigan 49076
(269) 749 - 4611
Olivet Middle School
Meghan Loughlin-Krusky
4/5 Principal
4th/5th 504 Lead Contact
255 First Street
Olivet Michigan 49076
(269) 749 – 9953
Paul Stanton
6-8 Principal
6th-8th Grade 504 Lead Contact
255 First Street
Olivet Michigan 49076
(269) 749 – 9953
Olivet High School
Troy Waffle, Principal
Building 504 Lead Contact
255 First Street
Olivet Michigan 49076
(269) 749 – 3671